


Indica Drops | 1000mg THCThe Indica Drops by Liquid Gold is an all-natural, high-strength THC product! These spectacular 1000mg THC drops are perfect for evening and night time use. These drops have been crafted with love by Liquid Gold. Liquid Gold is a reputable company that believes in providing its consumers with only the purest ingredients. These THC drops are made with only the highest quality ingredients to ensure maximum effectiveness. Pure, Simple and delicious! Liquid Gold’s THC drops are a great way of experiencing relaxation and ecstasy-like bliss! These THC drops by Liquid Gold are an amazing product containing an astounding 1000mg of THC per bottle; 2mg per drop! Simply add to your favourite foods or beverages and enjoy. The dropper bottle makes accurate dosing easy, discreet and convenient!

Best UseThe Indica THC Drops by Liquid Gold will leave users in a state of elated happiness accompanied by an underlying feeling of calm. THC drops by Liquid Gold are the perfect product for those looking for momentary relief of stress, anxiety, muscle spasms, insomnia, seizures and headaches. The medical benefits of the THC Drops by Liquid Gold stem from it being an Indica product. Numerous scientific and medical studies have confirmed the benefits of Indica products. Indica products are praised worldwide for providing sedating and relaxing effects, accompanied by an increased appetite and a decreased stress level. Indica products are the perfect option when looking to unwind and decompress after a tough day!

FlavourThe THC Drops by Liquid Gold has a potent coconut flavour and aroma. Light undertones of fruit can be identified in addition to subtle hints of mint, with absolutely no fillers or artificial flavours. The taste of these products comes from the natural terpenes contained in each cannabis strain. Oral use is recommended with these drops; for best results add to already cooked food. Try adding a few drops of the THC Drops by Liquid Gold to a spicy burrito bowl to elevate the flavours to the next level! If spicy foods are not for you, try adding a few drops to a bowl of cereal and allow the tropical fruit flavours to mingle with your sugary breakfast for a unique treat!

PotencyAs each bottle contains 25ml of oil (500 drops), each drop contains 2mg of THC. Ideal for accurate dosing, the potency of this product depends entirely on the amount consumed. Please always keep edibles and other cannabis products away and out of reach of animals and children, do not drive or operate heavy machinery after consumption and please do not consume if pregnant. Always take edibles with food and allow two hours for the full effect. As always with edibles, we suggest users start low and take it slow. As with any edibles, if users ever feel they’ve gone too far, they should try to relax. The effects of the THC will subside in a few hours and a dose of CBD can even help take the edge off.


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